We are proud to introduce a Universal Cell Phone Recording Service - Record Your Mobile Phone Calls Anytime, Anyplace using any cell phone with any carrier
This is a Hosted Solution that is Always Available 24/7 with Tech Support No Hardware and No Software to Purchase, Setup, Configure, or Maintain
Universal Cell Phone Recording: - Works with All Cellular Companies (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Alltel, Virgin, etc) - Works with All Cellular Phones (Apple, HTC, Samsung, Nokia, Blackberry, Motorola, etc) - No Hardware and No Software to Purchase, Setup, Configure, or Maintain - Recorder & Business Recorder supports Inbound and Outbound Call Recording
Unique Benefits of Using Our Service: - Caller ID Override, allows you to change your Caller ID when you make calls - No Hogging up storage space on your cell phone, since recording is done remotely. - Longest Storage Time in the Call Recording Industry (10 years+ if required)
All Packages Include: - Same or Next Day Setups - Business Class Voicemail with Email Delivery and Voice Transcription - World Class IVR Hosting of Audio Files within Data Center with High Security - All Recordings can be emailed instantly, with a link or attachement - All Recordings are available immediately online using your secure web login.
How Does Cell Phone Call Recording Work?
Recording Inbound Calls: When you see an incoming caller that you want to record, simply press "ignore" or the "end call" button. Your cell service will route the caller through the VoiceStamps Call recording system and the call will ring back to you within a few seconds. This time you take the call, the system stays on the line recording the call. After the call is completed, the system saves the recording for retrieval from our secured web site. Unanswered calls or calls rejected a second time go into voicemail.
Recording Outbound Calls: Using one of our Dialing Platform access numbers, you simply speed dial into our system which will auto log you in. You enter the number you wish to call. You have the option to use your default outbound caller id or to override. Call recording begins as soon as the call is connected.